Eureka sponsors 39 companies to attend Web Summit

Eureka has given free tickets to 39 small and medium sized enterprises from 15 countries and 15 women innovators to attend Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, on 11-14 November 2024.

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Posted 22 Oct 24

Recycling plastic waste one river at a time

Roughly 12 million tonnes of plastic waste finds its way into our oceans every year, killing one million sea birds and one hundred thousand aquatic animals and turtles.

This problem seems overwhelming until you learn of Anssi Mikola, founder and CEO of Finnish SME, RiverRecycle, who has a business model that is cleaning up plastic debris in rivers before it enters the ocean. In an Innowwide project, RiverRecycle tackled the river Mithi in Mumbai.

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Posted 1 Oct 24

Eureka brings 40 companies to SWITCH

Eureka is bringing a delegation of 40 small and medium sized enterprises from 17 countries to the Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH) in Singapore on 28-30 October 2024.

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Posted 19 Sep 24

Protein goodness: the Green Dairy champions fava bean and oat yoghurt

While plant-based milk products flood the market, for consumers, dairy-free yoghurt options are in short supply. Having unlocked a silky-smooth texture and great flavours to boot, Swedish company, the Green Dairy, possess a recipe for a nutritious fava bean and oat yoghurt that will fill a gap in the alternatives-to-dairy market.

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Posted 18 Sep 24

100% natural cheese wax: a sustainable option for cheese lovers

By Sanna Antila

Protective wax preserves cheese throughout its maturation process. And until recently, cheese wax has been made from petrochemical raw materials. A Danish company, Procudan, set out to change this. Working together with German and Danish partners in a collaborative project, the team developed a 100% natural, fossil-free wax that is ready to encase a wide variety of cheeses.

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Posted 26 Aug 24

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