Türkiye and Spain call for R&D projects
This project call is for R&D projects in all thematic areas or application domains.
10 FEBRUARY 2025: Call opens
24 APRIL 2025: Submission deadline (international)
From 24 APRIL 2025: Turkish / Spanish registration and funding deadline
From OCTOBER 2025: Eureka label and project start
Funding details
All companies resident in Türkiye can apply for funding for their international projects. There is no budget limit for international projects, and they can be funded by TÜBITAK without any restriction in project duration. Only companies participating in international projects are funded within this program but universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors. Turkish applicants must complete their national application within six weeks after receiving the eligibility feedback.
Companies receive a certain percentage of their eligible costs as a grant in this call. There is no maximum or minimum limit to the budget of project The grant covers 60% of eligible costs for large companies and 75% for SMEs.
For further information about funding of Turkish participants, please contact TÜBİTAK directly. Detailed information can also be reached from here.
CDTI will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centers could take part as subcontractors. For more information please access: https://www.cdti.es/ayudas/proyectos-de-i-d to find more details on the partially non-reimbursable loan scheme.
For entities located in Andalucia, Castilla la Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura and Galicia there is an alternative funding scheme called “Innoglobal” (grant scheme).
It is mandatory that project activities do not start before submitting the funding applications to CDTI.
Funding decision is expected within 5 months after submitting an eligible funding application
According to Eureka’s practices, applicants may choose to request a label without public financing (e.g. self-funding is also applicable).
Eureka has limited eligibility criteria for organisations participating in a Network projects consortium:
- Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
- The project must be directed at researching or developing an innovative product, process or service with the goal of commercialisation.
- The project must have a civilian purpose.
- Your consortium must include at least two mutually independent companies, one from Spain and the other from Türkiye.
- No single organisation or country can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget.
This call for projects has additional criteria for organisations to be eligible to receive funding:
- The Turkish and Spanish partners must express their will to cooperate to the development of a new product, industrial process or service. The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
- The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants from the countries (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.)
- The project should demonstrate the contribution of all participants and the project must be significant to them.
- The participants are required, prior to obtaining the Eureka label endorsement, to have signed a project consortium agreement.
Your project application will be reviewed according to our Network projects evaluation methodology.
- Impact
- Is the market properly addressed (i.e. size, access and risks)?
- Is the value creation properly addressed (i.e. employment opportunities and environmental and societal benefits)?
- What are the competitive advantages of your project (i.e. strategic importance, enhanced capabilities and visibility)?
- Are your commercialisation plans clear and realistic (i.e. return on investment, geographical and sectoral impact)?
- Excellence
- What is the degree of innovation? (i.e. is the proposed product, process or service state-of-the-art? Is there sufficient technological maturity and risk)?
- How is the new knowledge going to be used?
- Is your project scientifically and technically challenging for consortium partners?
- Is the technical achievability and risk properly addressed?
- Quality and efficiency of implementation
- What is the quality of your consortium (i.e. balance of the partnership and technological, managerial and financial capabilities of each partner)?
- Is there added value through international cooperation?
- Is your project management and planning realistic and clearly defined (i.e. methodology, planning approach, milestones and deliverables)?
- Is your cost structure reasonable (i.e. costs and financial commitment for each consortium partner)?
- Overall perception
Experts will list three positive and negative points to your application and finally state whether they recommend your project for public investment.
Your national funding body may carry out a further evaluation (performed by the national project coordinator and technical experts) according to national rules before allocating funds to successful applicants.
How to apply
- Contact your national funding body using the contact form on Eureka’s website to discuss your project idea, financial viability, eligibility and national procedures.
- Create an account on our application portal (one per consortium) and select the funding opportunity you want to apply to.
- Using the portal, complete one application form per consortium (in English) and invite other consortium partners to fill in a partner form.
- Upload a GANTT chart (one per consortium), a signed and completed co-signature form (which you can download from the platform) and any additional required annexes.
- Your application will be checked for completeness and eligibility before being reviewed using a standard evaluation procedure. If successful, your project will receive a Eureka label.
- Your national funding body may carry out a further evaluation (performed by the NPC and technical experts) according to national rules before allocating funds to successful applicants.
- [The final step is to complete and sign a project consortium agreement (CA). We recommend that you seek legal advice when drafting your CA.]
Additionally, each applicant must submit all required documents to their respective national funding authority and meet its due diligence process requirements
- In Türkiye, the participants will have to submit a formal national application (in Turkish) through TÜBİTAK TEYDEB’s website (https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr/) by the 19th of June including the Eureka Application form (in English).
- In Spain the participants will have also to submit a formal R&D international project aid application through CDTI’s website (https://sede.cdti.gob.es/) after the deadline but before 8th of May including the Eureka Application form (in English) and a draft consortium agreement (optional at this stage, but a signed consortium agreement must be signed and provided prior to obtaining the Eureka label endorsement). Additional documents in Spanish language, containing detailed information on the Spanish participants, could be requested depending on the specific type of funding requested by the company. If the application is not submitted in time by the deadline of this call for project, the international project could be rejected.
CDTI will check the eligibility of the Spanish applicants after receiving the international application. In case of partially reimbursable loan scheme, if the international proposal is eligible, funding applications will be generated by CDTI to each Spanish company. Those funding applications must be completed and submitted by them. Deadline to reply is end of May. If the funding applications are not submitted in time, the international project could be rejected.
In case of grant scheme (only for some regions) the funding application must be sent within the submission period of this grant call (end of April) It is important that you previously have submitted the formal R&D international project through CDTI’s website, otherwise it will not be possible to complete the grant application.
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