Eureka Clusters

Do you want to collaborate with major industrial players, SMEs, knowledge institutes and end-user organisations from around the world?

Do you specialise in:

  • next-generation communications,
  • low-carbon energy,
  • software innovation,
  • advanced manufacturing and production, or
  • electronic components and systems?

Eureka Clusters are industry-led international communities focused on strategic technology areas that aim to meet market needs and solve economic, technological and societal challenges.

Participate in community activities, access funding, and collaborate in close-to-market projects.


Established technology communities

With the Cluster communities you can:

  • Discuss industry trends and challenges, and contribute to the development of R&D and innovation strategies
  • Pitch ideas and meet partners to network or build a project consortium
  • Collaborate in one (or a series of) project to advance the state of the art
  • Join exhibitions and competitions to celebrate achievements

Participate in Eureka Clusters to join well-established communities that nurture long-term partnerships.

Reach the expertise you need

Companies of all sizes, universities, and research organisations benefit from participating in international communities with successful track records.

Industry leaders discover pioneering SMEs and the specialised knowledge of universities and research organisations, while SMEs collaborate with, and receive advice from, industry leaders.

Universities and research organisations increase the scope of their research and accelerate transfer of their work into pre-commercial projects, and end-user organisations (such as hospitals, farmers or factories) drive R&D and innovation with their needs, expectations and user perspectives.

Rewards for companies:

  • Increase your average turnover
  • Share research and development costs
  • Establish long-term international R&D and innovation relationships
  • Gain quicker access to new and international markets
  • Receive on-going and personalised support from experts covering the whole value chain
  • Scale up, increase your competitiveness, attract investors and form new startups

Nurturing success

Your Cluster project will go beyond the state of the art, have clear market potential and result in wider impacts.

Your project will be prepared in close collaboration with your national/regional funding body. You will receive expert feedback, helping you develop a high-quality project application. As a result, 30-40% of applications receive funding.

Consortia can be any size and are typically industry-led, involving 3-5 countries. Projects last up to 36 months.

Once your project begins, you will benefit from on-going and personalised support and flexibility to adapt to changing R&D, innovation and business conditions.

How to participate

Clusters have regular bottom-up calls for projects that give you freedom to decide what R&D to focus on. Clusters also launch joint calls for projects on themes that transcend their individual technology areas, for example artificial intelligence and sustainability.

When calls for projects are open, Clusters organise events where you can present project ideas, network and build a consortium. These events also gather representatives from national/regional funding bodies, who explain funding rules and requirements.

All five Clusters are part of Eureka, and each tailors activities to serve its own specific community.

To find out more and get involved visit the Cluster websites or contact your national funding body.

Choose your Cluster

If your organisation is not based in a Eureka country or the Cluster you would like to participate in isn’t listed as funded in your country, we recommend you get in touch with the Cluster offices and your national or regional funding agency or ministry to talk about funding options, as there might still be funding available. In the absence of any funding support, it is still possible to participate in a project by self-funding.



    Next-generation communications

    CELTIC-NEXT involves all the major ICT industry players, many SMEs, service providers and research institutions to champion a secure, trusted and sustainable digital society. Activities are open to all willing to align their goals with national priorities to advance the development and uptake of advanced ICT solutions.

    Discover CELTIC-NEXT
  • EUROGIA2030


    Low-carbon technologies

    Eurogia2030 aims to boost the productivity, competitiveness and environmental sensitivity of Eureka countries. Through innovative technologies and energy solutions, Eurogia2030 improves the low-carbon energy market to achieve a sustainable future.

    Discover EUROGIA2030
  • ITEA 4


    Software innovation and digital transition

    ITEA 4 enables digital transformation by fostering software innovation projects in the smart mobility, smart cities, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, engineering and safety and security sectors. ITEA pushes the important technology fields like AI, big data, simulation and high-performance computing into concrete business cases and applications.

    Discover ITEA 4


    Advanced manufacturing

    SMART projects support the adoption, integration and upskilling of advanced and discrete manufacturing technologies. Your input could help production companies navigate the global shift to advanced manufacturing.

    Discover SMART
  • Xecs


    Electronics Components and Systems and applications

    Xecs supports collaborative innovation in the field of electronic components and systems, generating high economic impact and a better life for us all by driving a sustainable digital transformation.

    Discover Xecs