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Eureka sponsors 39 companies to attend Web Summit

Eureka has given free tickets to 39 small and medium sized enterprises from 15 countries and 15 women innovators to attend Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, on 11-14 November 2024.

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Posted 22 Oct 24

Recycling plastic waste one river at a time

Roughly 12 million tonnes of plastic waste finds its way into our oceans every year, killing one million sea birds and one hundred thousand aquatic animals and turtles.

This problem seems overwhelming until you learn of Anssi Mikola, founder and CEO of Finnish SME, RiverRecycle, who has a business model that is cleaning up plastic debris in rivers before it enters the ocean. In an Innowwide project, RiverRecycle tackled the river Mithi in Mumbai.

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Posted 1 Oct 24

Eureka brings 40 companies to SWITCH

Eureka is bringing a delegation of 40 small and medium sized enterprises from 17 countries to the Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH) in Singapore on 28-30 October 2024.

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Posted 19 Sep 24

Protein goodness: the Green Dairy champions fava bean and oat yoghurt

While plant-based milk products flood the market, for consumers, dairy-free yoghurt options are in short supply. Having unlocked a silky-smooth texture and great flavours to boot, Swedish company, the Green Dairy, possess a recipe for a nutritious fava bean and oat yoghurt that will fill a gap in the alternatives-to-dairy market.

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Posted 18 Sep 24

100% natural cheese wax: a sustainable option for cheese lovers

By Sanna Antila

Protective wax preserves cheese throughout its maturation process. And until recently, cheese wax has been made from petrochemical raw materials. A Danish company, Procudan, set out to change this. Working together with German and Danish partners in a collaborative project, the team developed a 100% natural, fossil-free wax that is ready to encase a wide variety of cheeses.

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Posted 26 Aug 24

Flux Performance supermoto

Riding fast and powerful electric motorbikes

Slovenian entrepreneur, Marko Ukota, spent 15 years racing a gasoline-guzzling supermoto. Now, with his company, Flux Performance, he is on a mission to deliver a greener version of dirt bike thrills to amateurs and pros alike across the United States of America.

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Posted 22 Jul 24

How ONDyTEC is cleaning up stone-washed denim

The denim jeans market is worth over 70 million euro a year. It has grown yearly for decades and is forecast to continue for the foreseeable future. However, denim’s economic success comes at a high environmental cost.

Indigo is a difficult dye for fabric to absorb. For every pair of jeans made, between 50 and 100 litres of water are polluted with hazardous chemicals, such as sodium hydrosulphite, which damage water courses and ecosystems, leaving large volumes of water toxic.

Javier Frances is a Spanish textile engineer and the founder of ONDyTEC. He brings a lifetime of knowledge and experience to the leadership of a Spanish company specialising in the elimination of hazardous chemicals in fabric dyeing.

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Posted 1 Jul 24

Eureka Network position paper on the next EU framework programme for research and innovation

Addressed to Manuel Heitor, chair of the expert group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, providing strategic advice and recommendations for its successor, FP10 – the 10th framework programme for research and innovation (2028 to 2034).


Download the position paper

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Posted 25 Jun 24

Global Innovation Summit 2024: a summary

We recently held our 2024 edition of Eureka’s flagship event in Istanbul’s Haliç Congress Center on 13-14 June 2024: the Global Innovation Summit!

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Posted 24 Jun 24

A brighter day: depression diagnosis and treatment

By strengthening and deepening a longstanding collaboration, Norwegian SME, NordicImaging Labs and Amsterdam University Medical Centre in the Netherlands are bringing faster and better diagnosis and treatment for depression.

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Posted 3 Jun 24

Testing for infectious diseases in wastewater

Waterlab in South Africa has developed a cost-effective and non-invasive method of tracking and predicting the spread of COVID-19, hepatitis E, norovirus and other infectious diseases through the microbiological analysis of wastewater.

By her own admission, Dr. Gina Pocock, Specialist Consultant at Waterlab, never had any great burning ambition to pioneer a potentially life-saving diagnostic methodology, but she possesses an obvious energy and optimism that drove the South African company’s success.

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Posted 20 Feb 24

Nature’s cogs: helping pollinators feed the world

Honey bees and other pollinators are vital for the planet’s ecosystems and crops, but they are dying out at alarming rates due to climate change, intensive farming and pesticides. A startup in Andalusia, Spain, has a solution: producing hoverflies on an industrial scale. Following an R&D project with Dutch partners, Polyfly is breeding new ways to pollinate more fruit crops.

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Posted 31 Jan 24

A green, concrete future: Harnessing local materials in Uganda

By Georgia Tindale

Dutch company, Concreet Projectmanagement B.V., joined forces with Ugandan company, Eco Concrete Ltd., to tackle the ever-growing issue of developing sustainable and affordable building infrastructure. Their solution? Creating new recipes for one of the world’s most common building materials: concrete. With the right backing, their geopolymer technology has the potential to go global

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Posted 15 Jan 24

No smoke needed: Discovering a Latvian early warning wildfire detection system

By Georgia Tindale

As we have seen in yet another summer of horrendous wildfires across the globe, which crept their way across North Africa, Greece, Tenerife and Canada, when a wildfire strikes, there is no time to waste.

Latvian company, Baltic Satellite Service, has teamed up with partners AD TELECOM (in Spain) and AXSYSNAV (in France), on an innovative early warning technology for wildfire detection: the first of its kind to track fires in real time and guide fire brigades to the incident.

Already attracting interest from clients in Europe and beyond, this early wildfire detection system looks set to become ever more necessary, due to the increase in extreme weather events prompted by climate change.

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Posted 15 Dec 23

Innovative PCR tests are monitoring genetic diseases

The determination of one entrepreneurial Danish research chemist and his team at Pentabase have developed a revolutionary new polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that produces results in hours not days. Ulf Bech Christensen expanded his company tenfold overnight, reopened Frankfurt airport during the pandemic and improved the effectiveness of cancer screening, diagnostics and monitoring to deliver more personalised and more effective treatment and care.

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Posted 12 Dec 23

DNA analysis is saving our freshwater biodiversity

Freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity face growing threats. But thanks to cutting-edge R&D, we are witnessing remarkable progress in how we can conserve the life in our lakes and rivers. Scientists at Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante in Spain are now cleverly using DNA analysis to assess the health and ecological state of fresh bodies of water.

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Posted 26 Oct 23

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