Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe.
Applying to our Eurostars funding programme is designed to be quick and simple. In your application, you can tell us more about your organisation and the innovative new product, process or service you plan to research or develop.
You can contact Vinnova using the form below to discuss your project idea, funding rules in your country, financial viability and eligibility. Free expert advice about your project application is also available through the Swedish SME support office.
1. Create an account (one per project application) on our project platform.
2. On the platform, complete one application form per consortium (in English) and submit it electronically. The portal allows you to save, revisit and edit your application form, giving you time to confirm all information is correct.
3. Upload annexes by attaching them to your online application form. You must complete and upload:
- a signed commitment and signature form
- (if you are an SME) an SME declaration
Depending on what country you are based in, you may need to add a financial annex:
- financial reports
- (if you are a startup) a business plan
- other
Contact Vinnova to discuss which documents you need to provide and how to submit them. You may need to submit documents directly to Vinnova rather than attaching them to your application form. If you are an organisation that is 100% publicly funded (e.g. universities, hospitals, etc.), you will not have to provide a financial annex.
You can also include annexes to support your project application:
- a technical annex (related to the project)
- a Gantt chart
4. Submit your completed application form before the deadline.
5. Swedish participants must also submit a national application to Vinnova after your project has received a positive evaluation. Vinnova will contact you about the national application if your project has been approved to receive funding. A funding decision is made within five weeks (on average) of submitting your application to Vinnova.
For detailed information about applying to our Eurostars programme, read our guidelines.